Monday, October 23, 2023

Pin interrupt library for AVR microcontrollers

This is a library used to configure PCINT pins and attach a function to be executed once the pin is triggered on an AVR microcontrollers. At the moment only PCINT pins are supported.

Pin interrupt library for AVR devices

In this blog post, I will explain how to use interrupts on AVR microcontrollers. Interrupts are a powerful feature that allow the microcontroller to respond to external or internal events without constantly polling for them. Interrupts can improve the performance and efficiency of your code, as well as enable new functionalities.



What are interrupts?

An interrupt is a signal that causes the microcontroller to temporarily stop its current execution and jump to a special function called an interrupt service routine (ISR). The ISR performs the necessary actions to handle the interrupt, and then returns to the original program flow. The ISR can be triggered by various sources, such as:

  • External pins (EXTINT)
  • Pin changes (PCINT)
  • Timers/Counters (TIMER)
  • Serial communication (USART, SPI, TWI)
  • Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)
  • Analog comparator (AC)
  • Watchdog timer (WDT)
  • EEPROM ready (EE READY)
  • Store program memory ready (SPM READY)

Each interrupt source has a corresponding vector in the interrupt vector table, which is located at the beginning of the program memory. The vector is a pointer to the address of the ISR. The first vector is always the reset vector, which points to the start of the program. The rest of the vectors are ordered according to their priority, with lower addresses having higher priority. For example, on the ATmega328PB, the second vector is for the external interrupt request 0 (INT0), and the last vector is for the pin change interrupt request 3 (PCINT3).

How to use interrupts

To use interrupts, you need to do three things:

1. Define the ISR using the macro ISR(vector_name), where vector_name is the identifier of the interrupt vector. For example, ISR(INT0_vect) defines the ISR for the INT0 interrupt. The code inside the ISR should be as short and simple as possible, to avoid blocking other interrupts or delaying the main program.

2. Enable the interrupt source by setting the appropriate bits in the control registers. For example, to enable the INT0 interrupt, you need to set the INT0 bit in the External Interrupt Mask Register (EIMSK), and also configure the interrupt sense control bits in the External Interrupt Control Register A (EICRA).

3. Enable global interrupts by setting the global interrupt enable bit in the Status Register (SREG), or by calling the sei() function.

Here is an example code that toggles an LED on pin PB5 whenever a button on pin PD2 is pressed:

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

#define LED_PIN        PB5
#define BUTTON_PIN     PD2

ISR(INT0_vect) {
  // Toggle LED
  PORTB ^= (1 << LED_PIN);

int main(void) {

  // Set LED pin as output
  DDRB |= (1 << LED_PIN);

  // Set button pin as input with pull-up resistor
  DDRD &= ~(1 << BUTTON_PIN);
  PORTD |= (1 << BUTTON_PIN);

  // Enable INT0 interrupt on falling edge
  EIMSK |= (1 << INT0);
  EICRA |= (1 << ISC01);
  EICRA &= ~(1 << ISC00);

  // Enable global interrupts

  // Main loop
  while (1) {
    // Do nothing

Pin Change Interrupts on AVR

Pin change interrupts are a feature of AVR microcontrollers that allow you to trigger an interrupt routine when any of the pins on a port change their state. This is useful when you want to monitor multiple input pins without polling them in a loop. On ATmega328PB as an example, there are two types of pin interrupts: EXTINT (External Interrupts) and PCINT (Pin Change Interrupts) which is also external.

EXTINT has only two pins: INT0 on PD2 and INT1 on PD3. These interrupts are faster than PCINT since they have dedicated hardware and ISR vectors. Also, they can be set to only trigger on a falling edge or rising edge.

PCINT interrupts are not as fast as INT pins but they are many. They are separated into 3 groups, one group for each port.

Group 0 is on PORTB with PCINT[0:7]: PCINT0 is PB0, PCINT1 is on PB1... PCINT7 on PB7.

Group 1 belongs to PORTC including PCINT[8:14] pins.

Group 2 is on PORTD with interrupt pins PCINT[16:23].

Each group has its own interrupt vector that are named: PCINT0_vect, PCINT1_vect and PCINT2_vect. Since any pin on the port could trigger the interrupt, the application needs to keep track of pin states in order to know which pin changed and also verify, if needed, if the pin is High or Low.

There are also PCINT on port E but I couldn't find in the datasheet a register for them. If you know more, leave a comment.

Library Usage


Attaching a function

The function takes a pointer to a user defined function, as an argument. The user function will be executed by the ISR each time an attached pin triggers the interrupt. A pointer to an array including port, pin number and pin state will be passed as an argument.

void pinIntAttachFunc(void (*func)(uint8_t * trigger_pin));


void pinIntFunc(uint8_t *trigger_pin){
    char port = trigger_pin[0];
    uint8_t pin = trigger_pin[1];
    uint8_t pin_state = trigger_pin[2];
    if(port == 'B'){

    }else if(port == 'C'){


Create a custom function with an arbitrary name, like in the above example then attach the function to the interrupt. 


Attaching and detaching a pin

The attach function has the following purposes: set the pins as inputs with their internal pull-up resistors enabled, sets PCMSKn register to trigger an interrupt on pin state change, activates interrupt for the group the pin belongs to, enable global interrupts.

void pinIntAttachPin(char port, uint8_t pin_number);
void pinIntDettachPin(char port, uint8_t pin_number);


pinIntAttachPin("B", PB1);

In this example, the pin 1 on port B is set to trigger an interrupt.

Code example

#include "pinInterrupt.h"

void pinIntFunc(uint8_t *trigger_pin){
    char port = trigger_pin[0];
    uint8_t pin = trigger_pin[1];
    uint8_t pin_state = trigger_pin[2];
    if(port == 'B'){
	if(pin == PB1){
		// Pin is HIGH
		// Pin is LOW
    }else if(port == 'C'){
    }else if(port == 'D'){


int main(void){
    pinIntAttachPin("B", PB1);



v2.0 (02-01-2025) Simplified usage by using a function to attach an interrupt instead of defines.
v1.0 Release date 23, October, 2023

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